The following user requirements should be confirmed before users begin to use the FamilyMetrics system: 1. Users are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) web browser. This application comes with all versions of the Windows operating system. 2. Inspect the Browser to ensure that standard menus and navigational toolbars appear correctly. · The toolbar across the top of the user's screen should contain the following main options: File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, and Help. · The standard buttons should include: Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, Home, etc. · The user has the Address bar. · The user has limited extra buttons and links. An efficient Internet navigation toolbar may include a search bar such as Google or Yahoo! but often extra buttons and search bars reduce speed and cause conflicts with navigation settings. 3. The following IE settings have been applied: a. Browser version should be 6.0 or later and have the latest service packs and security patches applied Check version and service pack status by performing the following: · Go to Help > About Internet Explorer on the top menu bar of the browser. · A pop up window will then appear with information pertaining to the version of Internet Explorer that the user is currently using. In this window, find Version and check that the version is at least 6.0 and that Update Versions is SP1, SP2 or greater. b. The browser's cache has been cleared Clear the cache by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the General tab · Click the Delete Cookies and Delete Files buttons. Note that this may take a few moments and an hourglass may appear if these actions have not been completed recently. c. Browser always retrieves the most current version of the site Ensure that the most current content is retrieved by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the General tab · Under Temporary Internet Files, click the Settings button · Under Check for newer versions of stored pages select the Every visit to the page radio button · Under Temporary Internet files folder input five (5) in the Amount of Disk Space to Use field · Click the OK button d. Specify Security Settings for Web content zones and Trusted sites Update security settings for web content zones by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Security tab · Click on each content zone (there are four total) under Select a Web content zone to specify its security settings, and Click the Default Level button under Security level for this zone for each zone selected. Add FamilyMetrics as a Trusted site by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Security tab · Under Select a Web content zone to specify its security settings select Trusted sites (zone) · Click on the Sites button · In the Trusted sites window uncheck the box at the bottom for Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone · Under Add this Web site to the zone type * Note that the “*” symbol can be made by holding the Shift key and pressing the 8 key. · Click the Add button to the right which will add the entry to the field under Web sites · Click the OK button
e. Privacy Settings Change privacy settings to Medium by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Privacy tab · Click on the slider under Move the slider to select a privacy setting for the Internet zone and move the slider towards the center to select Medium for your privacy setting f. Auto Complete has been disabled (Having the username/password information automatically entered compromises the security of the system). Disable Auto Complete by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Content tab · Under Personal Information, click the Auto Complete button. · In the AutoComplete Settings window, under Use Auto Complete for, uncheck the User names and passwords on forms check box. g. Checking Network Connections & LAN Settings Check network connections by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Connections tab · Under Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings review the internet connections selected for the PC Ensure that the configuration for LAN Settings does not override the internet connection settings by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Connections tab · Under Local Area Network (LAN) settings, click on the LAN Settings button · In the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window, under Automatic configuration, uncheck Automatically detect settings and Use automatic configuration script · Click the OK button
h. Reset Default Web settings for Browser Reset Default Web settings by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Programs tab · In the bottom-left of the window click on the Reset Web Settings button · When the new window pops up, uncheck Also reset my home page and then click the Yes button · Click the OK button when prompted.
i. Update SSL settings Update SSL related settings by performing the following: · Go to Tools > Internet Options · Select the Advanced tab · Click the Restore Defaults Button 4. Ensure that the Windows Operating system has all the latest patches and updates Obtain the latest patches and updates from the Microsoft Update site:
The above graphic is the FamilyMetrics homepage. For your convenience, throughout the entire site you will find five main navigation areas: A. The top-right navigation area is always visible and allows you to quickly login or logout of the system:
Home: Clicking on the FamilyMetrics logo will take you to the FamilyMetrics home page without logging out of the system (logging in/out will be covered in the next section). Login: Clicking Login will take you to the login page where you can securely login to the FamilyMetrics system. Logout becomes visible once you are logged in and it securely logs you out of the system in one click. B. The left navigation menu is context sensitive and will change according to the task that is being performed. The home page left navigation menu allows you to browse through the following content:
About FamilyMetrics: Overview of the FamilyMetrics system and its partners. FamilyMetrics Blog : Link directly to the FamilyMetrics blog. The FamilyMetrics Blog will be geared toward anyone interested in how FamilyMetrics can be used to help family resident services professionals improve service delivery, make better decisions, measure and report performance, increase funder confidence, and deepen community impact. Readers will use the FamilyMetrics Blog to stay connected, stay informed, and stay inspired. Blogs include: trends, news, creative inspiration, and the latest gossip at Pangea Foundation. FamilyMetrics Made Simple : Link to a short video describing the usefulness and impact of the FamilyMetrics system. Make Payment : You can use this link to pay your subscription to FamilyMetrics. Sign Up : Link to the "Contact Us" form on the product site. You can use this link to sign up for FamilyMetrics software including new Service Coordinators or new Properties. C. The top-navigation menu: Once a registered user is logged into the system, this menu area links to the following tools of the system: Personal Space, Property Home, Resident Files and Resource Directory. D. The body-navigation links: The links in this area give you access to specific files and tools within the task that is being performed. E. The bottom-navigation links: The links in this area give you access to many useful tools including:
Terms of Use: Links directly to the Terms of Use. Acceptable Use Policy: Links directly to the User's agreement. Security Statement: Links directly to the Security Statement. Privacy Statement: Links directly to the Privacy Statement. Product Tour: Link to a short video tour giving an overview of the entire FamilyMetrics system. FAQs: Links to a Frequently Asked Questions document for users new to the FamilyMetrics system. Contact Us: Click on the Contact Us link to write an email message to FamilyMetrics technical support. It will open your default email application (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) and you will be able to type your message. After clicking the Login icon on the top-right navigation area, you will be sent to the Service Coordinator's secure login page. You must be registered as a user in order to login and perform the tasks that your user level permits. Once on the login page, you will be asked to input your unique username and password. Note that, neither the username nor the password is case sensitive. In another words, inputting "Coordinator" is equivalent to typing "coordinator". For security purposes, please make sure not to share your password with anyone else, as this is the only identifier of the person who logs into the system. Once you are done entering your username and password, you must click the LOGIN button to access the secure area of the system. This is accomplished by using a Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which is a protocol method of choice for securing data transmissions across the Internet. Whenever you see a "closed lock" in the activity bar of your browser, it means that a secure connection has been established and it is safe to send sensitive data through the Internet. This will bring you to your Personal Space within the system. From your Personal Space you can select a property, create new Programs for a Property or Organization (Program Portal), run property or organization-wide Reports, view the FamilyMetrics training manual, print hard copies of the FamilyMetrics forms, change your username and password information (User Credentials), or update your User Profile. Selecting you property is a 2-step process. Once you have logged into the system and you are in your Personal Space, follow these steps: Click on Property Selection from the left navigation menu of your Personal Space. Select your Organization and then click on the Property's name. This will take you to the Property Home page. You will be given a selection menu that allows you to choose from all Organizations and Properties that you are authorized to work on. In the above example, this user is authorized to input content for two properties, Pacific Families and Zeeland Pacific, within one Organization, Pacific Homes. Note: From the Property Selection screen, you also have the option to search for a Resident or Unit number. Search criteria include Last Name, First Name or Unit Number (all fields are optional). You can also change the sort order of the results to be by Last Name, Unit Number or Property. This is a helpful tool if you are a Service Coordinator who works with more than one property. The following is the left navigation menu of the Property Home page: Click on Property Selection to change your selected Property. Click on Program Tasks from the left navigation menu to enter Participant and Attendance data for a Program. This section will be discussed in detail in Section 3.3 of this Training Manual. Click on Property Profile from the left navigation to create, edit, or view your Property's Profile. The Property Profile is described in further detail in Section 5.2 of this Training Manual. |
After logging into the system and selecting your property you are now ready to start creating Resident Files. (Selecting your property is explained in section 1.3) The Resident Files link is located on the top navigation menu that appears once you have logged into the system and have selected a property. The first step in using the Resident Files is to populate your property by creating a Resident Enrollment for each resident on your property. To create a Resident Enrollment, perform the following steps: Select Resident Files, and then click the Resident Enrollment link on the left navigation menu. Complete the necessary information. Note that the fields: First Name, Last Name, Birth Date, and Moved in / First Served Date are all required fields, meaning you will not be able to submit the Resident Enrollment form without this information. Once you get to the bottom of the form, you will be provided the following options: either Submit & Enter Another to create another Resident Enrollment, or Submit & Close to return to Resident Files. Select a save option and click Submit to commit the changes to the system database. A confirmation screen will appear letting you know that the resident's information has been successfully saved. You now have the option of going to that Resident Profile's or selecting to view Resident Files. 2.2. View/Edit/Print Resident Files The Resident Console
The Resident
Console provides access to all residents within the current
Property as selected from the Property Selection page. Users are provided
with two filtering methods: 1) Rolodex tabs and 2) Resident Status radio
buttons. 1) Rolodex Tabs: In order to filter the list of residents by last name, there is a row of tabs at the top of the Resident Files. These "groups" of letters allow the user to display only those residents with Last Names that begin with one of the letters within the selected tab's group. For example, the tab denoted 'A-C' would display only those residents whose last names begin with the letters 'A', 'B' or 'C'. 2a) Resident Status (Active/Deactive): You can filter the display of residents to include those with either Active (default), or Deactive status in the system by toggling the first Resident Status radio button. 2b) Resident Status (On-Site/Community Resident): You can filter the display of residents to include those residents who live on-site, community residents (off-site), or to display both (default) by toggling the second Resident Status radio button. 3) Column Headings: In addition to being able to select the group of residents and their status to display in the Resident Files, you can affect the sort order of the columns, "Resident Names" and "Unit No." by clicking these column headers. The sort order options are ascending (A-Z, 0-9) or descending (Z-A, 9-0). 4) Resident Listing**: This area displays the residents based on the tabbed-group of letters and their Status selected. Residents are displayed according to the sort order selected using the column headings. Each Resident's Name and/or Unit No. acts as a link providing access to his/her Profile. ** A calendar next to a Resident's name denotes a pending Follow-Up Task while an asterisk (*) next to a Resident's name denotes a pending Service Request. These are discussed in further detail in Sections 2.11 (Follow Up Task), 2.12 (Service Request), and 2.13 (Service Management Plan). 5) Resident File Overview: This section of Resident Files contains sub reports of all affected residents within a Property of a certain status, indicated by the name of the sub report. The first sub report listed, "Print Residents listed (A-Z)", generates a report of residents listed in the Resident Files for the state currently displayed (after choosing the Resident Status filters in the Resident Rolodex). These values can be used to provide service coordinators with the total number of residents within a Property (without requiring them to manually count each one in the list or use the Profile) and can also be used to report on residents of a certain status (such information could be all residents without a completed Intake). View/Edit Resident Information Once a Resident Enrollment has been created, that resident is added to Resident Files. To access the resident's Profile: Select Resident Files from the top navigation menu. This will display all of the residents who have been enrolled into the system. Select the resident's Profile by clicking on his/her name in the Resident Listing. Note that by default your residents are displayed in alphabetical order according to their last names. Once you select a resident's name, you will be able to identify which forms have been documented for that resident and either create, edit, or view/print additional information for that resident's Profile. After selecting a resident, you are presented with the option of Creating, Editing, or Viewing/Printing forms found in his/her Resident Profile. The Edit option allows you to review or change data that has been entered to a form in the resident's Profile. The View/Print option launches a pop-up window with a printer friendly version of any of the forms for which the resident has data. You can view the data or print it by clicking the Print link. The Close option will close this new window. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files. Select Resident Intake from the resident's Profile. Fill out the Resident Intake form. To save and close the Resident Intake click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Intake you will get a confirmation that the Intake form has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or the resident's Profile. 2.4. Resident Service / Activity Log Use this form to record the duration of services rendered to a resident. You may also add an optional Progress Note to the Resident Service / Activity Log. To input a Resident Service / Activity Log follow these steps: Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Resident Service / Activity Log from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date when the services were rendered.
Select the name of the Service Coordinator who rendered the service if it is
not already selected by default. Select the Duration of the service (optional). Select whether the service was provided On-site, Off-site (an outside agency), or by a 3rd party Referral (an agency referred by an outside agency). If you would like to document that the service you rendered to a resident was provided by a 3rd party referral agency, Click on Select an Agency which will link you to the Resource Directory and allow you to select the agency that provided the service. *Note that if you would like to list a new agency as the 3rd party referral agency for the services rendered, you must first add the agency in the Resource Directory and then return to the resident's Profile to complete the Service Log with the selection of the new 3rd party referral. To record service(s) offered, first select a Service Type Category. Next, select a Sub Category. To add it to the Selection(s) box, click on the >> button. To remove a service from the Selection(s) box, select the service you wish to remove and click the << button. Only ONE Service Type Category may be selected but multiple Sub Categories within that Service Type Category may be selected. An unabbreviated description of the Service Type and Sub Category chosen appears in the box below the selection boxes (In the example below: ADULT EDUCATION > ESL – Mastered Next Level). To save and close the Resident Service / Activity Log, select Save & Close and then click on the Submit button. To save the Resident Service / Activity Log and create another one, select Save & Enter another Log and then click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Resident Service / Activity Log you will get a confirmation that the Resident Service / Activity Log has been saved and you will have the opportunity to attach a Progress Note for the service log. To enter a Progress Note at this point, click on Progress Note (Inputting a progress note is covered in the next section). To input a Progress Note after creating its corresponding Resident Service / Activity Log click on Progress Note after saving the Service Log. Otherwise, follow the procedure described below. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Progress Notes from the resident's Profile. You can now either choose to attach a Progress Note to an existing Service Log or create a freestanding Progress Note. If you are attaching the Progress Note to an existing Service Log, select the Service Log date in the drop down under the Date and Time fields. Select your account in the Service Coordinator drop down, and then type the Progress Note (maximum of 5,000 characters) in the rich text entry area. To save and close the Progress Note, select Save & Close and then click on the Submit button. To save the Progress Note and create another one, select Save & Create another and then click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the progress note you will get a confirmation that the Progress Note has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Education Status from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date when the survey was completed. In Section 1: Primary/Secondary Education, only one selection can be made. In Section 2: Post Secondary Education, select as many options as apply and select the corresponding dates. To save and close the Education Status, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Education Status and create another one, select Save & Enter another and click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Education Status you will get a confirmation that the Education Status has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile.
*Note: The RSC will create a new Education Status with a new date every time the resident's education information changes. When creating a new Education Status, the fields in the form will be populated with the most recently submitted Education Status form's information. To view an old Education Status, choose Edit in the resident's Profile and select the date of the Education Status you would like to view. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Employment Status from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date when the survey was completed. Select the fields that apply within the categories: Not Working or Currently Working and Employment Goals. To save and close the Education Status, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Education Status and create another one, select Save & Enter another and click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Education Status you will get a confirmation that the Education Status has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile.
*Note: The RSC will create a new Employment Status with a new date every time the resident's employment information changes. When creating a new Employment Status, the fields in the form will be populated with the most recently submitted Employment Status form's information. To view an old Employment Status, choose Edit in the resident's Profile and select the date of the Employment Status you would like to view. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Financial Status from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date when the survey was completed. Complete information within the categories: FICO Credit Score, EITC, Positive Cash Assets, Miscellaneous Assets, Debts, Other Information, Financial Goals and Resident Self-Reported Understanding of Financial Management Skills. To save and close the Financial Status, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Financial Status and create another one, select Save & Enter another and click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Financial Status you will get a confirmation that the Financial Status has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile.
*Note: The RSC will create a new Financial Status with a new date every time the resident's financial information changes. When creating a new Financial Status, the fields in the form will be populated with the most recently submitted Financial Status form's information. To view an old Financial Status, choose Edit in the resident's Profile and select the date of the Financial Status you would like to view. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Housing Status from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date when the survey was completed. Select the fields that apply within the categories: Housing Status and Home Ownership. To save and close the Housing Status, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Housing Status and create another one, select Save & Enter another and click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Housing Status you will get a confirmation that the Housing Status has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile.
*Note: The RSC will create a new Housing Status with a new date every time the resident's housing information changes. When creating a new Housing Status, the fields in the form will be populated with the most recently submitted Housing Status form's information. To view an old Housing Status, choose Edit in the resident's Profile and select the date of the Housing Status you would like to view. 2.10. Public Assistance Status Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Public Assistance Status from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date when the survey was completed. Select the fields that apply within Public Assistance Received. To save and close the Public Assistance Status, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Public Assistance Status and create another one, select Save & Enter another and click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Public Assistance Status you will get a confirmation that the Public Assistance Status has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile.
*Note: The RSC will create a new Public Assistance Status with a new date every time the resident's public assistance information changes. When creating a new Public Assistance Status, the fields in the form will be populated with the most recently submitted Public Assistance Status form's information. To view an old Public Assistance Status, choose Edit in the resident's Profile and select the date of the Public Assistance Status you would like to view. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Follow Up Tasks from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date that the Follow Up Task was assessed. Select ONE Follow-Up Task, a date that represents the timeframe you intend to follow-up on the selected task, and a timeframe that specifies when the calendar icon is to appear on the Resident Listing in the Resident Files as a reminder that a task needs to be followed-up. To save and close the Follow Up Task, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Follow Up Task and create another one, select Save & Enter another and click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Follow Up Task you will get a confirmation that the Follow Up Request has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Service Request from the resident's Profile. Choose the Date that the Service Request was made. Select ONE Service Type, your resident's Goal(s), and a date that represents the timeframe in which you intend to verify the resident's service request. To save and close the Service Request, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Service Request and create another one, select Save & Enter another and click on the Submit button. After successfully submitting the Service Request you will get a confirmation that the Service Request has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile.
There are two link selections to choose from when using the Service Management Plan. 1) Service Management Plan link - this allows you to indicate Service Outcomes and completion dates for all items selected within the Service Request and Follow Up Task form(s). 2) View/Print link - this displays the status of all items selected within the Service Request and Follow Up Task form(s). Select the Service Management Plan link and the following screen appears: Determine the item you want to record a Service Outcome for, and select the Update button for that item. Service Requests are denoted by asterisk symbol (*) while Follow Up Tasks are denoted by a calendar icon. Now click "Select An Agency" (if the service is being met by an outside agency listed in the Resource Directory). Then choose the date that the service action took place, the status of the service request/follow up task, and the SC who aided the outcome. As you complete each section, the data is placed in a "holding tank" on the screen until you click Save. If you should need to change the referring Agency, the date of completion,
or the outcome in the future, simply select
"Update" for an item in the SMP in order to edit its contents. *Note: If a resident has a pending Service Request, an asterisk symbol (*) will continue to appear next to his/her name in the Resident Files Console until a different outcome/status is chosen in the SMP. Similarly, a resident with a pending Follow Up Request (and a "Remind me in advance" date falling on our before the current date) will continue to have a calendar icon appear next to his/her name until a different outcome/status is chosen in the SMP. 2.14. Confidentiality Agreement Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Confidentiality Agreement from the resident's Profile. Select the correct Date Created, and complete the rest of the information for the form. After successfully submitting the Confidentiality Agreement you will get a confirmation that the Confidentiality Agreement has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile. 2.15. Consent to Release Information Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Consent to Release Information from the resident's Profile. Select the correct Date, and complete the rest of the information for the form. After successfully submitting the Consent to Release Information form you will get a confirmation that the Consent to Release Information has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile. 2.16. Incident / Violation Log Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Incident / Violation Log from the resident's Profile. Select the correct Date and fill out the rest of the form. To save the Incident / Violation Log and move on, select Save & Close and click on the Submit button. To save the Incident / Violation Log and create another one, select Save and Enter another and click on the Submit button After successfully submitting the Incident / Violation Log you will get a confirmation that the form has been saved and you will have the options of returning to Resident Files or to the resident's Profile. Select a resident by clicking on the resident's name in the resident listing in Resident Files.
Select Resident Deactivation from the resident's Profile. Select the appropriate Deactivation Date and deactivation reason. *Note: Selecting Erroneous for the deactivation reason will exclude the resident's records from being included in any future reports. After successfully submitting the Resident Deactivation form you will get a confirmation that the Resident Deactivation form has been saved. 2.18. Resident Tools: Birthday Directory The Birthday Directory allows you to view the Birthdays of all of the residents on your property in one place. Using the Birthday Directory, you can filter and sort residents by birthday to generate a monthly Birthday reminder/list. After selecting Birthday Directory, you can configure the residents' birthday information to be sorted by date (all or a specific month) and/or last name (all or first letter of last name). 2.19. Resident Tools: Resident Contact Directory The Resident Contact Directory allows you to view the telephone numbers and email addresses of all of the residents on your property in one place. After selecting Resident Contact Directory: You can filter this information to include all residents or residents grouped by the first letter of their last name. 2.20. Group Add: Service / Activity Log The Group Add functionality allows the RSC to create identical Service / Activity Logs for multiple residents instead of having to create individual Service / Activity Logs for each resident. The first step in creating a Group Add Service / Activity Log is to select which residents received the service or attended the activity. Residents can be selected individually by clicking on the resident's name and clicking Add>>. The entire list of residents can be added by clicking on [All Residents] and then clicking Add>>. If a resident needs to be removed from the list, simply select the resident's name on the right-hand side of the screen and click <<Remove. The rest of the functionality of the Group Add Service / Activity Log is identical to that of an individual Service / Activity Log (see section 2.4). *Note: Editing Restrictions - Group Add Service /Activity Logs can only be edited from the corresponding Group Add screen. They cannot be edited from an individual resident's Profile.
Note: Icons - In order to differentiate between regular or Group Add Service Logs in a resident's Profile, icons (as seen above) appear next to the dates of all Group Add Service Logs. These date drop-downs appear in the Edit screen of an individual resident's Service / Activity Log. The Unit Profiles allows you to view the residents for a specified Unit(s) and basic summary information for these residents including: Unit Number, Name, Gender, Living Status, and Age. After selecting Unit Profiles: You can filter this information to include specific Units by checking the box next to the appropriate unit(s) and clicking the "View Profiles" button. This will update the list of residents below it. The column headers (e.g., Unit Number, Last Name, Gender, etc.) in the resident list can be used to sort the list of residents. |
Once you have logged in and selected a property: Select Resource Directory from the top navigation menu. To add an Agency, select Add an Agency from the left-navigation menu. Fill out the appropriate fields in the form. Selecting a category for the agency will later enable you to view agencies by category on the Resource Directory console screen.
Select whether you want to Save & Close or Save & Add another Agency, and click Submit. A confirmation screen will appear letting you know that the agency's information has been successfully saved. |
Select Property Home from the top-navigation menu. Select Program Tasks from the left-navigation menu. For more information, please refer to Section 3.3 of this Training Manual.
Select Property Profile from the left-navigation menu. Complete the form and click on Submit. You will now have the options of returning to Property Home or Resident Files. |
Select Reports from the left-hand navigation menu on the Personal Space Screen. On the Select a Report Screen, select the report to be generated:
Once a report has been selected, the user must select further filter options including: Properties/Residents, RSCs (if applicable), Date Range, and Data Visualization options. This is the initial report filter screen:
6.2. Properties/Residents to Report On
6.3. Making Changes to a Generated Report
6.4. Printing a Generated Report